Friday, May 23, 2008

The Quiz

Live, give, active, creative, positive, negative, relative, selective, and imaginative.
The proceeding is a list of:

a. Words Lauren can read
b. Words some of which Tiffany can’t spell
c. Words Lauren can spell
d. All of the above.

If you picked “d” all of the above you are correct. This was Lauren’s spelling list from last week. We are talking first grade here. It’s quite scary to me that by next year Lauren’s spelling will be better than mine. I have never been known for my spelling ability in fact it was a heated topic of debate between myself and my mother growing up. My mother was one of those individuals who had the natural ability to spell, and could not understand my struggle. She thought I was lazy, and ill educated. It was not until I was in college that I was able to throw a study in her face that determined that individuals either have a natural ability to spell or they don’t, so lay off those who don’t. I am still not sure she believed the study.

Just to ensure her curse of my spelling ability continued, I married an individual who has a natural ability to spell and does not understand how I can be well educated, have a great vocabulary, but the absolute inability to spell simple words. Although he is much more forgiving than my mother and does not make me feel stupid. For now my best friend is the spell check on the computer, along with my spelling dictionary, because let’s face it, some of my spelling is so off that even the computer can’t figure out what I am trying to write!

The moral of the story is if you have the natural ability to spell, be kind to those in your life who don’t. They are not as stupid as you think.