Monday, May 26, 2008

Compare and Contrast

Lauren has finally lost tooth #4. About three weeks ago she noticed it was becoming loose and started a daily ritual of wiggling it in order to speed its departure. A few days ago when it became evident that its departure was eminent she informed me that the Tooth Fairy was underpaying and needed to produce more cash. Now mind you for the last three teeth Lauren has lost the Tooth Fairy has paid $2 for each tooth, which in my mind is a handsome some for a small piece of calcium, considering in my day 25 cents was the going rate.

Well apparently Lauren and her first grade buddies have recently been comparing their take from the Tooth Fairy and Lauren discovered the Tooth Fairy is surprisingly inconsistent in her payout. She proceeded to inform me that Isabelle got $15 , Darren got $20 and Allison got $14. Upon cross-examination by mommy she revealed that Isabelle and Darren were probably exaggerating, but Allison really did get $14 because she brought it for show and tell. Then she wanted to know why the Tooth Fairy only left her $2?

Oooo the dilemma? What to say, how to explain……. I told her that because we live so high up the hill our air is very thin, and by the time the Toothy Fairy flies up here she is suffering from oxygen deprivation and lacks the mental capacity to make a reasoned decision about how much cash to pay out. I’m not sure she bought it.


Ciarran said...

You should just tell Lauren the truth: that Tooth Fairy doesn't exist and those other children have parents that love them more.

Smullin Family said...

Wow, $2 would be awesome at our house! We've got an ultra cheap tooth fairy... I'm embarrassed to say how much she leaves.

I'd say keep doing what you're doing. My explaination to my kids about these type of things is, "all families have different rules, different traditions, different fairies???, etc.". --I try not to give into parent peer-presure. Who knew it was such a real thing? I thought my peer-presure days were over as a teen. Nope!

About Ours Good One Home said...

The tooth fairy gives a buck a tooth at our house. Noah spied Dad doling out the dough, so there is no mystery as to just how the tooth fairy operates here. She subcontracts. Some contractors may take a bigger piece of the action and leave a bit less for the kid.....