Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The last remaining warmth of summer...

Monday was such a nice day, with a high near 90 degrees. The kids, wanting to enjoy and squeeze out every ounce of summer left, played in the yard all afternoon and evening, until finally it was too dark. Although I am looking forward to the nice chill fall brings, I am also sad to see summer go, especially when the kids have had such a fun time enjoying the simple pleasures of being in our own back yard.

Katie learned to ride a scooter this summer. It was pink, it had princess on it, so it must be hers.
She is really quite good.

Can't you just see the speed with which this child rides the trike? It amazing the trike and the princess scooter have not collided yet.... (Don't ask about the gloves, I have no idea.)


Arianne said...

oh my goodness, Katie on her scooter is darling! She looks so grown up it makes me want to cry!

Ciarran said...

Cute kids! Mark's gloves are funny.

Jenni said...

Weston wears gloves all the time too - but it's usually a pair of socks from his or Emmie's drawers. Yesterday he was sporting a blue silky blanket turban around his head. I have no idea where these boys get there costume ideas.