Monday, September 21, 2009

Why am I not skinny?

Why am I not skinny? I really want to know the answer to this question! By all accounts when you look at may daily activity, I should be rail thin, so what is the problem?

My "shift" starts between 7:00 -7:30a.m. when either Mark or Katie wakes me up. Then begins our morning routine. In the space of just shortly over an hour, I shower and get dressed for the day, which includes hair and makeup, I feed three children breakfast, and give three children a bath, and get them dressed, which includes hair for two girls. In order to be efficient we have a routine, the large bath tub in my bathroom gets filled, Mark is the first to get in and out, followed by Katie and Lauren. Then if it is a school day, its off to school. Otherwise its morning activities, which generally consist of mommy mediating all toy disputes, getting drinks and snacks, cleaning up messes, and following children around the house to limit the damage.

Now mind you my house has three floors, so there is a LOT of going up and down the stairs, plus the square footage of my house....well lets just say, its a bit larger than most homes. I have a lot of territory to cover.

Of course there are the things I have to do around the house, such as laundry, vacuuming, yard work etc. Rarely do I get a moment to just sit down. As soon as I do, one of my three children, demands something from me. Plus if I do sit down it becomes a tug-of-war between Katie and Mark for my lap space and lovin, which usually ends in an argument of whose mommy I am.

If I am lucky I can get a nap for an hour or so in the afternoon while Katie is taking her nap, and Mark is watching a movie.

By late afternoon, it time to pick kids up from school, deliver kids to activities, make dinner and homework. In addition to cleaning up after dinner, and doing a sweep through the house prior to bed to clean up all the toys that have managed to grow legs and leave their safe basement abode.

Finally at 9:00 p.m. I tell the kids that mommy is off the clock, and its time for bed. Now its time for me to do the work that the State of Utah pays me for!

So I am wondering with all that running, going up and down stairs, bending and picking up, scrubbing and vacuuming, why am I not skinny?


Sue Jackson said...

A wise man once told me that this is one of the great mysteries of life! Skinny or not, you are one of the most awesome people I know and do more amazing things in one day that most of us do in a week!

Martha said...

You're a good person, Tiffany. I hope you squeeze in a few minutes each day to be gentle with and take care of yourself. You deserve it.