Thursday, September 24, 2009

Doesn't everyone have a room like this?

Everyone has one, everyone is embarrassed that they have one, but they do exist. What is it? The junk room, or junk area, or junk drawer. Basically a place where random items that might have value are kept, and usually not kept in an orderly manner. For me it is a section of my storage room.

Here is how it works, over the course of a year, or in this case it was about 18 months, I allowed junk to pile up. Things, items, and valuables were randomly placed in the junk room. Many of which should have just been discarded or given to the Dessert Industries to begin with. Now normally I am a very clean an organized person, but not when it comes to my junk room. See I can throw stuff in there and shut the door, and pretend it does not exist. (Its called denial, I am very good at it!) Finally it reaches critical mass, which as you can see here, means there is no space left on the floor. Its time to take action.

Action taken. Now time for more stuff....


Smullin Family said...

Your "before" really wasn't all that bad... I can do better than that. :)
I do agree that the "after" makes me happy though. I LOVE a good organized,clean room!!! Ahhhhh.

Lora Dawn said...

Ah . . . . looks like you waved a magic wand. Maybe 8 hours of sweat magic, huh?

angela said...

good job, very impressive