Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fair Warning????

During the first week of kindergarten they do testing to figure out what your child knows and does not know. I signed Mark up for testing on a day when I was scheduled to work, so I would not have to worry about taking Katie with me.

I showed up in my work clothes, which was a black dress, and of course I was accessorized to the hilt, with very cool long necklaces. And don't forget my platform shoes. I brought my binder full of cases thinking I would read a few while Mark was completing his testing.

Apparently I forgot to clear this with the teacher, because she had other plans for me. Upon arrival she had Mark lay down on a large piece of paper, and she drew an outline of him, and then handed the outline to me, pointed to the paints and told me to paint my son. What????? Did I look like I was wearing painting clothes? Did I look like I wanted to paint? Did I look like I had a clue how to paint a life size version of my son? Why was I not warned of this in advance?

So there I sat on the floor of the kindergarten art room, dressed to the nines, painting my son, trying not to get my dress, jewelry, or hair covered in primary colors. I can't even imagine what a site I must have been....

Here is my semi-finished art work. She took a black marker and outlined him, and then cut him out. He is now hanging in the hallway outside his kindergarten classroom.


Arianne said...

okay, that's pretty funny!

Brooke said...

Ha! That is too funny!!!