Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fun with crocs.

Recently we made a trek to the Croc's store in Park City to obtain shoes for Mark and Katie. Mark's feet have been impossible to fit since the day he was born. They are wide and fat. I can't tell you the number of shoes I have bought only to return them after trying to shove Mark's foot into the shoe as if he were one of Cinderella's ugly step sisters with the glass slipper.

The one shoe I have found which fits his feet is the Croc. Its wide, its comfy, and he can get them on and off all by himself, which is an added benefit in my book. I have enjoyed Croc's for Katie, even though she does not have the same foot issues as Mark, because at two years old she is able to get them on and off all by herself.

During our last visit, because we spent such an obscene amount of money, (bad news about these shoes, they are NOT cheap) we were rewarded with an item called the "Croc-a-doodles."

A croc-a-doodle is a kit that contains markers and paints that you can decorate your Croc's with. Good news, you can wear it, enjoy it, and then wash it off.

The kids thought drawing on their Croc's was all sorts of fun, usually prohibited by mommy.

Katie, who is usually my wall artist, working with a new medium.

Mark, intent on getting his design just right.

Lauren, whose designs of course looked professional.


Rochelle said...

You probably know this, but just in case, there is a croc outlet in Park City. Great Prices (according to my friends). Check it out if you haven't already. :)

Arianne said...

That looks like lots of fun, we may have to bust those markers out for Kallie when we come for Thanksgiving!