Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dora the Explorer

It will only be a matter of time before my two year old will be speaking Spanish. You see she has a new idol in her life, Dora the Explorer. Every day its "I wana watch Dora!" As in, you had better find it for me right NOW. I give in, plus my satellite dish system seems to show endless amounts of Dora.

Well last night Mark was playing with a paper airplane, flying it all around the house. During a particular landing he got distracted and Katie picked up the airplane. In one hand she had the paper airplane and in the other hand she had her Dora doll. (Quite frankly I think she picked up the airplane to antagonize Mark more than anything else...) Soon Mark realized Katie had his airplane and demanded it back. Realizing that this was making Mark quiet upset, and wanting to push his buttons even further, Katie offered the Dora doll rather than the return of the airplane. Mark replied full of vim and vigor, "I don't want Dora, I graduated from watching that!"

So although Dora has a hold on my two year old, apparently she has lost her magic on the five year old. (FYI paper airplane was returned in tacked, although Katie was NOT happy about having to give it up.)


Arianne said...

Okay, that is really funny! Is Dora any less annoying then Elmo? He's starting to wear on me, we need to diversify!