Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Statute of Liberty.

In all my visits to NYC I have never gone to the Statute of Liberty. (Truth be told, it takes several hours and I was never willing to give up shopping time....I know, I know...)

Since we arrived early in the morning on Thursday, and there was nothing scheduled for the tour until Thursday night, we had a free day. Alicia and I decided the girls, and us, needed a trip to the Statute of Liberty.

We hopped on the ferry, and sailed into the Hudson Bay, toward the lovely green woman.

Of course the girls had to ride on the top of the ferry for optimum viewing.
Here we are on the island. Lots of people as you can see.

Lauren used the viewing bionoculars to veiw the city and the statute close up.

She really liked this.

Did I mention it was windy? Oh yeah and that night a tornado hit NYC. Yep got caught in that too...ok, well not technically the tornado part, but the wind and rain part. What can I say.....NYC knew I arrived with full force.....


Ciarran said...

When we went to Ellis Island it was rainy and I started getting a little sick by the time we docked.