Friday, September 17, 2010

If you are reading this post....

If you are reading this post it is an indication that blogging from NYC is probably not a reality. As you gathered from yesterday's post I am currently in, or rather I will be in, by the time this posts, NYC. Lauren and I are on a "girls" trip, with our good friend Alicia and her daughter Chole.

(I might have to rethink the good friend part...Alicia is the individual responsible for China last year....and well I am still not quite over that experience, lets just put it this way, the misery has not faded with time....)

I am not taking my computer with me to NYC because the hotel is going to charge me $15 per day for the privilege of blogging, not a price I am willing to pay. However the hotel does have free computer access in its business center, so if I can get my photo card reader to work in their machine I will blog from NYC. If it does not work, then you will just have to wait with anticipation for a week full of posts next week.


Rochelle said...

Have a GREAT time and remember, when you get around to it, we WANT PICTURES!!!