Thursday, September 16, 2010

The mother ship.

By the time you read this, I will be home. Not home in Utah, I am departing that home, you see the Mother Ship is calling my name, in fact it has been rather loudly SHOUTING my name for about 6 months now..... Meet the Mother Ship, Macy's Herald Square New York City.

Eight floors of shopping. The BEST selection of anything and everything on planet. Creaky wooden escalators, a McDonald's on the 4th floor, after all you have to be notoriously fed to make it through all eight floors, ghosts of the best Christmas movie on the planet, (Miracle on 34th street, classic version of course,) and one floor devoted ENTIRELY to shoes. What is NOT to love about the Mother Ship???

The best part, the Mother Ship knew I was coming she mailed me a black American Express Macy's card this week.....