Thursday, September 30, 2010

FAO Schwartz

FAO Schwartz....what can I really does not matter if you are 9 or the mother of two nine year olds, FAO Schwartz is just plain fun, and it is must not be missed stop on any tour of NYC.

The girls were charmed with these wonderful fellows, or maybe it was these fellows who were charmed by our girls...

For those of you not in the know...(I wasn't in the know until I was met by this large blue thing) this is the Ugly Doll. Well lets just say its ugly...hence the name. The dang thing is also expensive, to the tune of about $15 for a doll that is about 7 inches big.

Of course no trip to FAO Schwartz is not complete without playing on the giant piano.

Now this was my favorite part of the ENTIRE store. The BARBIE section! What can I say, still love Barbie, will always love Barbie.

They have this whole display about the process of designing and making an upscale Barbie and her ultra cool clothes.

Here is Barbie in her couture beach wear. The designer of this fancy Barbie clothing was a former contestant on Project Runway.

Here are the Barbie dress I would probably sell a child to own...(especially if the child were a very cranky, and bossy three year old...)

More hot couture.

Although my Barbie clothes were designed by my mother, who could definitely keep up with today's couture, I still had nothing in my Barbie closet like this.

Were these priced? Of course not. I do believe its one of those things that if you had to ask, you couldn't afford it.....

Alright this was the best part of the Barbie section. These are dolls based upon the television show Mad Men. Mad Men happens to be the BEST show on television, although it is most definitely ADULT, (in content, not nudity), so no kiddies allowed. It combines my several of my most favorite things, the 60's and advertising.... What can I say, I love the 60's....twisted I know....but the styling is sooooo coooool!!!!!!!