Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Small Trees

Nothing exceeds like excess, and in my house Christmas trees can be found to an excess. Lets just say I have a lot, so many that I have had to divide up my post into small trees today and large trees tomorrow. Now you may ask "How does she do it?" "How long does it take her?" "Is she nuts?"

How I do it? I design a tree, take a picture the first year I put it up, store all the decorations for each tree in a box associated only with that particular tree, and then set up then is only a matter of time the next year.

How long does it take? Well this year I have a new tree (see Wednesday's post) so that tree alone took about 1/2 a day because I was designing as I went along. The other trees I worked on over the course of about 10 days, here and there as I had time, but mostly on the weekends. Basically it took two weekends to set up all the trees.

Is she nuts? YES.

This is the tree in Lauren's room. I designed the trees in the kids room to match their decor, so I don't plan on taking the trees down after Christmas. This is a tree for a little girl who loves to dance, complete with ballet tutu's, which I found at Macy's in San Francisco two years ago.
This is Mark's tree. You really can't see the lights, but they are blue which compliment the red ornaments, and perfectly match is red, white and blue room.

Katie had to have a pink and orange tree to match her bedroom and I am happy to report the princess is sleeping in her big girl bed these days and loving it!

This is the tree in my kitchen, loaded down with all sorts of fun kitchen ornaments, and gingerbread men, which making gingerbread is one of my favorite Christmas memories with my mother, so I consider the tree a tribute to her.


Ciarran said...

I love your obsession with trees! One of these days we're going to have to have a tree intervention! I wish I could be there this week. All of the attorneys showed up to court yesterday only to have the judge call off the trial! Wish he would have done that sooner so I could have made Utah plans...

Lora Dawn said...

The term eye candy must have come from someone walking through your December home. OO-eee! Fun.

Brooke said...

"Hi, my name is Tiffany and I am addicted to decorating". Love all the trees can't wait to see the rest!

Ty and Jorja said...

Ok, I was about to leave a comment that said "Why in the world do you have 6 Christmas trees, Tiffany?" until I scrolled down and saw the other four small trees! Wow! You have an amazing talent and I'm wondering if you are planning on hosting the "Festival of Trees-Utah Valley Edition" this year? Maybe I will stop by your house for a tour! Have a fun Christmas! Love, Jorja