Monday, November 23, 2009 must have been Sunday.....

Sunday. Just love that day. What is not to love about getting three kids ready for church, dressed in nice clothes, combed hair, and telling them you have the expectation that they sit reverently on a bench in the chapel for an hour and ten minutes???

Yesterday found us absent our church back up of Grandma and Grandpa, which meant I was flying solo. With our smaller group we were able to sit on a small bench. I seated Mark closest to the wall, then me, then Katie, with Lauren on the isle. I was attempting to use the divide and conquer theory, however I have to admit with three children and only one me, its a bit challenging. But generally Lauren and Katie do well sitting next to each other.

Not yesterday. Lauren felt the need to "egg" Katie on, not only with encouraging rough play, but also pushing buttons designed to make Katie squeal. Mark, well he thought kicking the vent grate next to the wall would be fun, because it was metal and made a really cool noise when kicked. So here I am like a ping pong ball turning from one side to the next trying to control my children, and maintain an acceptable noise level. Meanwhile the people in front of me are turning around to see what all the commotion on my bench was about. (That is the problem when you sit in a place you don't normally sit in the chapel. The people we usually sit by are used to our noise and not bothered by my kids!)

Well as I am mediating a dispute between Lauren and Kaite, actually it was me telling Lauren to act like and 8 year old and not do things she knows are designed to elicit a scream from Katie, I feel something wet on my arm. It felt like a drop of water, which struck me as odd. I turned away from Lauren and Katie to inspect my arm, only to discover that Mark had been picking his nose, flinging his boogers, and yes a big fat wet one landed on my arm. Did I have a tissue or wet wipe in my bag? Of course not. That is just how we roll.