Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Land!

On Mark's third day of his new school they had a field trip. (Talk about good timing!) Pumpkin Land was the destination. It is a land filled with pumpkins, corn stalks, mazes, animals and fall related activities. Parents and younger siblings were invited to attend. Katie and I decided we could not miss this opportunity to see Mark in action leading the pack of his peers.

Mark and Katie are sitting inside a giant wood pumpkin.
Katie insisted on bringing her pink purse to Pumpkin Land.

They climbed to the top!

"Do I want to jump?"

"No sliding is much better."

"Hey, the hay is making my nose itch."
All in all a perfect day to be at Pumpkin Land with 100 of our closest and newest school friends.


Ciarran said...

I've missed your kids too!

Arianne said...

So cute! I can't figure out who looks older these days, Katie or Kallie, they are both looking so grown up - what happened to our babies?!!