Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Sherry's fault.

I have a problem, actually I have had this problem for several years. Whenever I go out of town my friends sign me up for things, projects, test, etc, and then say "surprise" when I return.

When I was in law school my best friend Rob wanted me to take the ethics section of the bar exam with him so we could study together. I had no intention of even taking the bar because I had no intention of practicing law (another blog post entirely...) so I told him I was not going to take the test. I went to California for the weekend to visit my then boyfriend, and while I was gone Rob decided to sign me up for the test. When I returned he told me of his actions and justified it by telling me the deadline for signing up was while I was gone and he was just sure I had changed my mind and wanted to take the test. Yeah right.....he just wanted to someone to study with. So I relented, studied with him, took the test and beat his test score by 10 points. Well by then since I had already taken the ethics section of the bar I figured I might as well take the bar and practice law. So you see it really is all Rob fault that the world has been inflicted with my legal skills.

The most recent occurrence of my friends looking out for my best interest occurred while I was in China. In Relief Society they were passing around a sign up sheet for Christmas enrichment, although in keeping with the ever changing names to church programs it is being hailed as Christmas Relief Society Meeting. Sherry decided to sign me, Sue and herself up to create Christmas tags and have kits for sisters to make a tag or two. Now you have to understand out of the three of us Sherry is least the crafty person, and she is the first to admit it. In fact Sue and I have drug her into crafting against her ill founded objection that she lacks crafting skills. So basically it was Sherry saying "Sue and Tiffany would LOVE to design Christmas tags and I will cut or measure, or glue anything they tell me to do."

So last week we go together at my house, designed our tags and created our kits.

Here is our end result.
Four super cute tags, and if you are in the area tonight stop by our "Relief Society Meeting" and you can create one of these cute tags. As for how I felt about being "roped" into this project, well with our crazy schedules lately it has been far too long since the three of us had gotten together. I think Sherry's intention of signing us up to make tags was less about making tags and more about forcing the three of us to get together. I am glad she did.


Sue Jackson said...

Thanks, Sherry! I'm glad we got together, too!

Arianne said...

That's funny! I never knew that about the bar, good thing your friends are looking out for you! :)