Sunday, November 8, 2009

New look.

Some of you know and some of you don't but I will let you in on a little secret, computers scare me. I know, quit laughing, but its true. I get easily frustrated if the computer does not work in the manner that I expect it to work, and sometimes new computer things seem a bit overwhelming.

When Rick and I first started this blog it was after Katie was born, which was almost two and a half years ago, and the intention was to post pictures of our new baby for all the world to see. Our blog was then neglected for 10 months with only random postings here and there. The reason for this neglect, was I did not know how to use blogger, and had to rely on Rick to post things. At the time it just seemed easier to nag him to post rather than figure it our for myself.

Well I got tired of nagging, and Rick got tired of being nagged, so I learned to use blogger, and well the rest is history, as you can see from my frequent posts. I have conquered blogging.

As this blog has evolved, the focus shifted to my writing voice and my perceptions of the world around me. The title of "Rick and Tiffany Vincent" really did not reflect the voice or purpose of this blog any longer.

It was time for a change.

"Where the story ends..." seemed to reflect the stories and recollections I like to write about on my blog. Arianne, who does not share the same computer inhibitions that I do, used photo shop to create a new blog header for me. Over the course of the next few weeks we will be tweaking the blog header, and she is going to design several different headers so that I can change out my background.

Finally, rest assured, the look is changing, but the content will not. I will keep those Mark stories coming!