Thursday, November 5, 2009

Number 8

October 31, 2009, eight year old Lauren, "lost" tooth number eight. For some unknown reason Lauren has designated me as her dentist, and to date I have pulled all eight teeth. Lauren's job is to wiggle the tooth loose, and then I go in for the kill. After eight teeth I am getting really good. All it takes these days is one grab, a twist and the tooth is out. I can do it in two seconds flat, provided of course the tooth is properly loose.

I have to admit I derive some sort of sick pleasure in pulling her teeth....I know very twisted.


Margaret said...

lol - I looked at the picture and my first thought was you were finding little hearts all over the house and that was #8 ... Now you won't be able to say "Getting you to do XYZ is like pulling teeth!" 'cause it's been too easy! ;-)

Arianne said...

yikes, that makes me cringe I hope Kallie doesn't want me to do that for her someday!