Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Dance Intensive.

All this week Lauren has been attending summer dance intensive. For those of you not familiar with summer dance intensive, (because I sure wasn't) she has three dance classes a day, for three days in a row. When they say intensive, they mean intensive, she literally dances for three hours each day, with half hour break for lunch. The classes are hip hop, jazz and ballroom. In each class she is learning a routine to be used today, Thursday, when she auditions for the company team at her studio. We know she looks like a professional dancer, and we are hoping today she dances like one!

Results next week.


Ciarran said...

Yay! Good luck Lauren!

Brooke said...

Good luck! Lauren!

Tiffany...look at those legs, I am SO jealous!!!! You are SO in trouble when she turns 16!!! Good luck!!!