Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Family Reunion - part 1

In early August I packed up my car and my children and headed to Idaho for my family reunion, and considered myself very brave for attempting this feat by myself.

As you can see from my packing job we were fully loaded, at least mostly. I got to North Salt Lake when I realized I forgot to pack my hanging clothes. I had a small debate with myself about going back to get them or going on a shopping spree in Idaho. I considered the fact that any shopping spree would also involve taking my three children to a mall of sorts, and that given the clothes that are available this time of year I would also have to find t-shirts and tank tops in order to not be to revealing. Decided going home was the better option.

By the time I added my clothes, I really had no room to spare. And to think my original intention was to take my BMW. No way could I have fit all my stuff in.

Once we arrived at the hotel the kids went CRAZY. Between being in the car for 8 hours, and being in a new place, the kids were literally bouncing off the walls. Good news for us, the hotel got wind of the wildness of my kids and put us in a corner room on the first floor, near the conference rooms, hence no other occupants of the hotel within a reasonable distance of us.
Katie got her hands on the telephone and would not let go. I finally had to unplug the phone and put it in the top of the closet before she destroyed the phone and I had a $150 charge to replace a hotel phone. I think what she was most curious about was that the phone had a cord attached to the receiver.....

Here is Mark jumping on the bed.

Lauren assumed control of the television.
Katie and Lauren slept in a hide-a-bed together, and Mark took up residence with me.
It was four days of late evenings, early mornings, but a lot of fun.


Ciarran said...

They were so out of control crazy that first night! Too much fun!

Brooke said...

Sounds like fun!