Monday, August 31, 2009

Family reunion, part -4

Saturday night it was more family reunion fun. Pizza, salad, yummy treats, and good conversation. For the kids there was a fishing pond, for the adults, memories of Grandpa Ison, and a competitive and fun auction for really cool items. Followed by the family tradition of the "liars" game.

Katie and her cousins found a box, which provided about an hour of entertainment...who needs toys, when you have a really big box around.

Lauren and Cassie. Both looking way too old!

Katie won a princess crown and wand in the auction.

Colin and Ciarran.

Kallie and Katie, on the move as usual.

Mark, well he found sugar, LOTS of sugar.

We had so much fun, and it was especially fun because most of my cousins have blogs, so I came to the family reunion feeling like I knew them and what was going on in their lives. None of that awkward silence and asking what you have done in the last four years.
See you in 2013!


Rochelle said...

Tiffany, I LOVE Katie's dress. And, I don't know if I've said it before, but your children have THE most beautiful eyes, I've ever seen!