Tuesday, August 18, 2009


In July Mark got grounded for the first time. He has been in a real destructive phase for about two months now. In two months he has not met a piece of paper, cardboard box, plastic, or just about any other object that has not been torn or ripped to shreds. Despite my best efforts to encourage him not to be destructive it has continued. Now I can deal with the paper, cardboard boxes, plastic etc., that he destroys, but he has also been destroying toys and other objects that have value. His response to me when I chastise him for destroying property is "We can just go to the store and get a new one." Sooooo NOT the correct answer.

In about mid-July I found one of his Thomas the Tank Engine books that he decided to rip apart and it was the final straw. I told him for the next month there would be no going to the store, no toys, no books, no DVD's. NOTHING. I got his attention. He kept asking me over and over again when his grounding would be over. I told him August 14, 2009. He had a whole list of items he thought I needed to purchase for him come August 14, 2009. I told him I would not be purchasing any new items for him, and that if he wanted new items he would need to do chores around the house and earn the money.

Grounding came and went, my point was made, and he got over the fact that on August 14, 2009 he was not showered with new toys. New toys could be requested for Christmas, and birthdays, or he could earn the money to purchase the toy himself.

On Monday night we were driving to the store, he asked me who gave me permission to ground him. The question caught me off guard, I mean after all I am the parent, I DON'T need permission to ground MY children. I told him that. He was not satisfied with than answer and persisted in knowing who gave me permission to ground him. I told him the doctor at the hospital gave me permission after I carried him for nine months and gave birth to him. Still not satisfied. He then asked if Heavenly Father gave me permission to ground him. I said yes he did. Answer satisfied him. Can't wait until he asks me who gave Heavenly Father permission.....


Ciarran said...

Mark is so ridiculous sometimes. Where does he come up with these things???

Megan said...

That is hilarious!

Megan said...

That is hilarious!

Brooke said...

ha ha ha, that's great!!!

Lora Dawn said...

Man you gotta jog fast to stay ahead of that kid

Arianne said...

oh that Mark - too funny!

Smullin Family said...

Man, he's quick! I don't think I could keep up.