Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4-H Project #2

In addition to doing a sewing project, Lauren also completed a project called "decorate your duds." This is where you take a finished article of clothing and decorate it. You then get to model it at the fair. We decided to do an iron on, that would match a skirt I made for Lauren.

We cut these flowers out of the skirt fabric.

Put sticky on the back, and ironed it on.

Here is the finished outfit. (I know the t-shirt looks really long, but it actually bunches up around the waist of the skirt when Lauren is wearing it.) I made Katie a matching skirt, and Lauren did an iron on for her t-shirt as well. They will be modeling together at the county fair, and trust me you don't want to miss that!


Arianne said...

cute! Sisters modeling together in matching outfits, could you get anymore bonus points with mom?!!

Megan said...

Where do you get your cute fabric?