Monday, August 24, 2009

America's next top model.

Just in case you wanted to know, America's next top model resides at my house. She is in such high demand she booked two modeling assignments in one day. The first modeling assignment was the 4-H fashion review, 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning.....her agent, (mommy) was not pleased with the early call, especially considering the assignment was at the Spanish Fork fairgrounds, requiring an early departure from home.

She struck a pose as she modeled the dress she made.

After a quick outfit change, we modeled again. This time our accessory was Katie in a matching outfit.

I instructed Lauren to model and not worry about Katie, knowing full well that Katie would simply follow Laurens' lead.

The best part, when Lauren would stop to strike a pose, Katie would stop and shake her booty. The entire audience was laughing.

At the end they all lined up to receive their medals for modeling.

Katie was quite impressed that a pretty girl with a crown gave her a medal, and called her a princess. Reality, she was Miss Utah County.

After we finished modeling at the fair, it was off to our next booking, Stake Activity Days, where a fashion show of modest clothing was presented. You can see Lauren feels most at home on the cat walk!


Ciarran said...

Those two are so cute it's ridiculous!

Arianne said...

oh my goodness, cutest thing ever!

Margaret said...

They are gorgeous girls!
Hazel's comment, "They have really cool dresses!" :-)