Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A mean, soon to be lean, crawling machine.

While I was in New York City, Katie decided it would be a fine time to start crawling. I knew before I left that she was close. Two days before I left she took one crawling step and then realized what she did and fell on her stomach. The day I left for New York, she was home in the evening with Rick and wanted a toy that was outside her grasp. She got brave and took three crawling steps to reach said object. By then it was off to the races, and there was no stopping her, especially in pursuit of a coveted Thomas train, track, or any other part associated with Thomas that has fallen on the floor. The next thing she wanted to master, and has done, is pulling herself up. And what might you ask is the perfect object to pull one's 10 month old self up on? The Thomas table of course. This in no way endears her to Mark, who is still bitter about me bringing her home last May.

If she even looks like she is headed toward Thomas land, also formally known as the office, he freaks out. He asks me to move Katie, hold Katie, have Katie take a nap, make Katie put his trains down, take her into another room, etc. I see Valium in the future, not for Mark, but for me! I have decided the battle to keep Katie out of the office is a loosing one, and the easier battle to fight is to convince Mark to share his trains, or a least not freak out when she comes near the office. Thus far, Mark is kicking my butt. I have not given into him but a minimum of once a day he has a complete breakdown about Katie touching his "shiz."

The other issues that has accompanied Katie's new found mobility is the ability to find all sorts of interesting stuff on the floor that can be put into her mouth.

This is a sampling of the things I have pulled out of Katie's mouth in the last day or two. The object in the middle that looks like a ball is actually a marble. When I removed that object she really protested. She liked the feel of the marble. I try really hard to keep small objects off the floor in order to prevent chocking, after all I have spent enough time in the ER lately, however I have a theory. My theory is that small objects are planted on the floor by Mark with the suppressed or secret desire to have his sister chock and die. Did I mention he is still bitter about me bringing her home? With the exception of the hair clip, which is mine, I left it on the coffee table, which she pulled herself up to and grabbed it, all other objects are directly attributable to Mark. I hope my mother is looking out for Katie, because she is going to need it.


Ciarran said...

Your baby is getting so big! And Mark is quite the little character! Colin and I are coming down the first weekend in May and I need to see my cute nieces and nephew!