Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Confess

They say that confession is good for the soul, so here I go, I confess I LOVE the television show “The Hills.” Ok now quit laughing. I know it is a fake reality show about young girls living glamorous lives in Los Angles, and it is utterly absurd that I love this show, but it is a great escape from my mom life. (Not that I don’t love my mom life, but I need to check out of reality, even if it is for 30 minutes every Monday night, or 22 minutes if I have recorded the show on DVR, which is usually how I watch it because at 8:00 p.m. on Monday night I have no peace from the kids.) I imagine myself as Lauren Conrad living in a fancy apartment, having a glamorous job in the fashion industry, wearing the hottest clothes, and going out with friends every night. Ahhh to be 22 again….. Then reality come crashing through my fantasy bubble, and I realize that I am 40 years old, I have three kids so I don’t party every night, I am lucky to wear clean clothes let alone fashionable ones, but I do have a cool house, and a nice job, and when I look into the blue eyes of each of my very cute children I am reminded that I don’t want to be 22 again, being a mom is just fine.


Ciarran said...

Since it's confession time, if I'm flipping through channels and The Hills is on, I don't always flip away...and I watch Rock of Love because I'm trashy.

Jared and Shelby said...

Are Brodie and LC going to get back together? I'm a not so closet Hills watcher also.

Smullin Family said...

You're funny.

I haven't heard of The Hills, but I have several other t.v. shows on my agenda...some of them are kinda trashy..ok a lot trashy. Have you ever watched, "The Housewives of Orange County" or "Bridezillas"? Yeah, winner shows, eh?

I love watching t.v.! It's such a nice escape.

Arianne said...

I'm hooked on that Real Housewives show too, and it's all Tiffany's fault for telling me about it! Have you seen the NYC Housewives? They're even crazier, they put the OC wives to shame!