Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Do as I say, not as I do.

Please join me in congratulating Mark on his new Church calling as the 3rd counselor in Primary responsible for being the "reverence" police. Since the Bishop was out of town on Sunday Mark decided to extend the call to himself and of course he accepted. Mark skipped the formality of being sustained, because after all no one ever objects. His first assignment was Sunday during sharing time when Mark decided the children in Primary were being entirely too noisy and he needed to take matters into his own hands, he is after all a self sufficient man. He began by saying "Everyone be quiet." When that was less than effective he raised his voice and said "I'm yelling at you, everyone be quiet!" This continued on during the entire sharing time, however the children were really not being noisy but Mark was! He is taking his new responsibility very seriously, he feels it will be good preparation for being an assistant to the President when he is a future missionary. After all if you can keep Primary children quiet during sharing time, then certainly keeping a few hundred 19 and 20 year olds in line is easy. Mark is looking forward to being invited to Primary presidency meeting where he can share other ideas for keeping the children quiet in order to ensure he is the best "reverence" police the Sherwood Hills ward has ever seen.

Also of note this week with Mark:

On Sunday Mark had two accidents. First he fell while going upstairs and hit the bridge of his nose. No visible damage, but a lot of crying. Later that afternoon he was running full speed into the family room and misjudged the placement of the couch. After all that brown leather couch is so small it is easy to overlook while running full bore. He hit the back side of the couch with the right side of his body, resulting in him falling backwards, with a loud thump on the floor. Crying ensued and the next day a bruise appeared. (See right cheek in picture)

On Tuesday morning I did not give him a bath because he had taken a bath the night before with Rick. I put his clothes on, however he had a serious case of "bed head" so while he was standing by the sink I turned the water on and began to put water on his hair to contain his "bed head" I said "Mark let me fix your hair" He became upset and said "I don't want my hair fixed, I want it broken. Get the water off!" I decided the battle was not worth fighting and let him have "broken" hair for the rest of the day.