Monday, January 25, 2010

Third Grade Sale.

Every year the third grade at Lauren's schools hosts a sale. One of the purposes of the sale is to learn about economics. Lauren had to decided what she wanted make, determine the cost to make the product, make the product, and price the product. Lauren chose flower bows.

Lauren making her flower bows.

Parental help was allowed, I was in charge of anything that required the hot glue gun.
Lauren with her finished product. The money the third grade earns from the sale is used toward a fun field trip.


angela said...

This sounds like a wonderful learning project. Hurray for school education and Mom's who help. Your colorful dress/ nightgown, or whatever you call it reminds me of Aunt Lora Dawn.

Smullin Family said...

What a cool idea! Be sure to give us a numbers update on their sale..I'm curious.