Monday, January 18, 2010

Meet my new niece!!!!

Arianne had a baby, and I got a new niece. In other words, she did all the hard work, and I get the rewards! Meet Charlotte Aleah Smith. I went to Portland to spend some time with Arianne and spoil her, Keith, Kallie and of course Charlotte. Plus now I have to rely on Arianne for a baby fix, seeing as how my factory has closed.

If you think her face looks familiar, it does, she is a spittin image of her older sister Kallie.

Katie, of course had to hold her new cousin, I am trying to convince her that she is a human and not a baby doll.....

Katie lovin on her new cousin, with Kallie the older sister, smiling on!


John and Melanie Gray Hales said...

Congratulations to Arianne and Keith. Glad all is well. Our best wishes to them and Charlotte !

Smullin Family said...

Yay! Welcome Charlotte!
So glad that you can be there to help/spoil Arianne and family. Cute cousin pictures.

A*Waite said...

WHat a cutie, and look at all that hair!! I love her name!