Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brave or Crazy, you decided, part three

Monday brought another fun activity, a place called Bullwinkle's, which had arcade games, and a giant play maze, like McDonald's, only much more intense. The best part, the maze was free to kids under three!

Katie, contemplating her next move.
Katie, a view from the top.

Kallie, swinging from the ropes.

After Bullwinkle's, it was on to Wendy's for lunch, yes say it now, its fun when aunt Tiffany comes! Meanwhile Katie is trying to figure out how to convince mommy to continue the party when she returns to Utah...

On Tuesday it was playgroup at the Church. Basically moms bring their children, there is a whole fun closet full of ride on toys, and children four and under run wild in the church gym, while moms gab, a win-win for all. Katie got to meet Kallie's friends, and I got to meet Arianne's friends.

Finally no visit with Arianne is complete unless come crafting takes place. I was working on a jewelry project and Arianne was finishing up a cute Valentines decoration for her front door. Notice I only allowed her arm in the picture, because NO women should have to have her picture taken for at least 90 days after giving birth.

Since the mommies were crafting, the girls of course had to play with "foam" which is essentially these little foam balls that can be molded into shapes or things.

We had a super fun time with Arianne and family, I left feeling like Arianne was on her feet, and going to just fine with two kids.


Jolee said...

Looks like you had a great trip! Such cute girls! Are you going to post pics of the newest addition?!