Monday, May 25, 2009

The Wizard of Oz.

Lauren's ballet teacher for the last five years has been Miss Amber. She started when she was three and now at eight she has officially graduated from Miss Amber, since Miss Amber specializes in "little" girls, and if you have seen any recent pictures of Lauren you realize "little" she is not.

Her final production was the Wizard of Oz. Lauren was cast as Glenda, the good witch. The music was wonderful and Lauren loved dancing to it so much we had many practice sessions at home, which significantly improved her performance on stage. I have to say I have never seen Lauren perform with such confidence.

Here she is on stage, right after Dorthy has landed in Oz. Lauren's costume was great, it was perfect for twirling, providing "flair." Now we are done with ballet, its on to ballroom dance! Tryouts for company are in August. I guess you know what we will be doing all summer!


Arianne said...

oh how cute- yay Lauren!