Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

Mother's Day. For me it is a bigger deal than my birthday. My birthday is a day on the calendar. I really did not have much to do with my birthday, my parents were more responsible for that than me..... Now Mother's Day on the other hand is a different story.... I chose to be a mother.

After my mother died, Mother's Day was a painful reminder of what I had lost, but once Lauren entered my life, Mother's Day took on a whole new meaning. I did not think about what I lost anymore, I thought about what I gained. The opportunity to be a mother to this wonderful little girl, who I thought was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. A sediment I shared when both Mark and Katie entered my life.

That being said, being a mom is HARD work, and there is no "snooze" button. I EARN Mother's Day. Which is why I expect on Mother's Day to be pampered and told how wonderful I am. This year did not disappoint.

These were the flowers Rick and Lauren picked out for me.

Lauren brought this letter home from school for me. Although she does say in the letter "Even though you can be mean sometimes I will always love you." Ouch! I am trying to decided if I should be complimented or insulted?

Rick made my favorite dessert, homemade angel food cake.
Trust me on this, once you have had homemade angel food cake, the mix or the store purchased cake taste like cardboard.
Homemade angel food cake, = Yummy!

At Church the primary kids sang two songs, and gave these cute little bouquets of flowers to their mothers.
In our ward, rather than the traditional potted plant, the brethren have become enlighten and pass out chocolates to the mothers. Several years ago it was suggested in Ward Council, by a brother, that we break from the tradition of chocolate and try something different....not really sure if that gentlemen has recovered from the verbal tongue lashing he received by the women in the room. It was made very clear to the men in the ward, the women wanted chocolate, and anything less would result in a revolt, something that should be avoided on Mother's Day.

Finally, a new purse. Rick took Lauren shopping on Saturday to help pick out a gift that I would love and adore. This is what I unwrapped on Sunday, and I LOVE it! It is going to be the perfect purse for the summer, and is sure to contain all sorts of necessary things, like fruit snacks, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, random small toys, and if I am lucky, a tube of lipstick.
Its good to be the mom!


Ciarran said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! Happy mother's day! Unlike Lauren, I don't think you are mean! Kids today...

Margaret said...

I'm glad you had such a great day! You -really- are a Super Mom! :-)

Jana Lee Bumblebee said...

Ok, so you're up to how many purses now? You crack me up.

Grandma got your blogs. I was over there Friday night and she was happily working her way through them. Reading is still one of the pleasures in her life. Thanks for sending them

----By the way---when your teens call you a mean mom, that is a compliment. It means you have done your job/successfully prevented some bit of foolishness. If they say you are ruining their life, even better.

Brooke said...

I love the purse!!! It goes with everything!!! Great job Lauren!!!

Smullin Family said...

Yes, those flower ARE gorgeous!

I've never had homemade angel food cake, but I would love to try it...I don't like store-bought for sure...too spongy, not enough flavor.

About the "mean" comment...sounds like your doing a good job. All good moms are "mean". :o)