Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Two, thank you very much. (part two)

My lunch was delicious, my cupcake yummy, but now it was time to move on to the best part of birthdays, PRESENTS! New toys, new games, new swag! And if I am lucky something that will make Mark jealous.....

I started with a present from Grandma Linda, after all she give the best stuff!

I was not disappointed in my present from grandma, it was a princess dress, which of course I HAD to put on before I would continue with any further present opening. I finally agreed to take the dress off after I opened this package, which was an apron from Aunt Arianne, which of course I had to put on. (Mommy will post a whole separate blog post about the cuteness of my new apron!)

Look new summer PJ's so I can stay cool and comfy, plus no feet in these PJ's. After all I am TWO, which is a little to big for those silly footed PJ's that babies wear.

On to the next present. It was a little larger than anything else I had opened. I had to request a little help.

Mark to the rescue. He helped me make quick work of all that wrapping paper so I could get to the good stuff. A PINK TENT, with princesses no less. First words out of my mouth upon seeing such a well chosen and thought out present, "Princess!" I then proceeded to point to each princess and repeat the word princess. I am still a girl of few words, but I sure know a princess when I see one. Isn't it good to know that by two years of age, Disney's marketing machine has all ready make their imprint on my small but developing brain?


Arianne said...

I can't believe she says princess, that is too funny!