Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Mark!


Can you believe Mark and I have survived each other for five years? I still vividly remember five years ago his little, or rather large baby body in in NICU, struggling to breath. His gasps for air, the dome surrounding his head. Needles, tubes, and cords stuck to his body in all sorts of places. Now look at him, lively and full of fun.
He is a little excited about that pile of presents behind him.

Yes, it was a Thomas party, AGAIN. Although I was allowed to make Percy instead of Thomas, but was told next year I will be making Thomas again. (You will note the cake has a "6" on it. This does not reflect a mistake I made in his age, but rather the number that is on Percy. I considered putting a "5" on because I was afraid years from now someone would think it was his cake for his six year old birthday, however I knew that Mark would notice. Sure enough the first thing he asked prior to seeing his cake was if I put the number six on the cake. I would have been sooooo busted for a "5.")

Good news, same decorations. Probably could have pulled out the same pictures....


Of course more Thomas stuff was requested. I don't know what I am going to do if he does not grow out of this phase in the next year or so, he has every train, and most of the accessories. I am not sure there is anything left to buy?

Finally cake and ice cream. Both Mommy and Mark agree it was a five star day.


Brooke said...

That cake is amazing!!! Way to go super mom!!!

Sue Jackson said...

You never cease to amaze me with your talents! The Percy cake was incredible!

Arianne said...

looks like he was one happy boy! Love the cake, I want to know you you get your red frosting red and your black black, I always have trouble with that.