Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sixteen years ago I graduated from law school, (yikes, it does not seem like that long…) and I left Utah, specifically Provo, with a vow never to return. There was so much about Utah (i.e. Utah County) that I found strange, and so different from where I grew up, one of which being a love of Jell-O, specifically green Jell-O.

Now I have never been a particularly huge fan of Jell-O. However should I chose to consume said product, I prefer the Cherry or the Orange variety. The green or rather the Lime flavor is my least favorite. To be perfectly honest, I think Lime Jell-O smells like Pine Sol, and although I have never tasted Pine Sol, I suspect that if I were to consume the two side by side, it would be difficult, except for the texture, to tell the difference between the two.

Well seven years ago, with my pending return to Utah, (further proof you should never say never) I pondered my fate as it related to Jell-O. Would I be accepted into society if I refused to make and or consume that wiggly, jiggly product? Could I live in Utah and not be consumed by or consume its number one snack food? Can you go to a ward party and not partake? Can you been an effective leader in Relief Society if you refuse to serve green Jell-O at funeral dinners? What if, I did not have Jell-O in my food storage? Can you be refused a temple recommend if you have Jell-O issues? Does bearing your testimony require you to testify as to the extreme sacredness of Jell-O? Am I a pretender if I don’t love Jell-O, or just trying to hang on to that last remnant of my rebellious living in Idaho?

Then it came. Then I saw it. Then I had to. I received an email calling for green Jell-O. Lauren’s dance company was putting on a production of the Wizard of Oz. Lauren had one of the leads as Glenda the Good Witch. Some twisted soul, (a mother of another dancer), decided a wonderful post production treat for the dancers and their family would be small clear cups of green Jell-O with whipped cream on the top, representing the Emerald City. Could I, would I, be willing to make 30 cups of Jell-O? With a knot in my stomach I hit the reply button and said “yes.”

On Wednesday night at the dress rehearsal I picked up the cups that the Jell-O was to be prepared in. The mom coordinating the Jell-O effort thanked me for agreeing to help out. I responded “Up until today I have never in my life purchased green Jell-O.” She replied, “You must not be from Utah.” No I am not.


Sue Jackson said...

You'll know you've really assimilated into Utah County when you serve green jello salad with shredded carrots in it! Ugh!

Brooke said...

hahaha!!! I also once said, "I will never live in St. George. If I ever decide to live here (St. George) someone please stop me!!!"

I've lived in St. George 5 1/2 years now.

I think next time I am going to say, "I will never be a millionarie..." Do you think that would work?!?

Arianne said...

I can't believe you made green jello - ha!