Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Car.

The other "big" gift Katie received for her birthday from mommy and daddy was a car. This girl likes wheels almost as much as Mark.

Here she is checking it out, or a least looking at the picture, not having a full understanding yet of what is in the box.

Oh, yeah baby, it did not take us long to understand this toy.

She is nothing if not a safety girl. Here she is looking over her shoulder before backing up. Note the baby in the back.

We have the princess dress on, and we are going to the ball.

Finally, Mark and Lauren have learned how to play with the car too. Katie drives, Lauren rides and Mark pushes.

Now how long before someone gets hurt?


Ciarran said...

It doesn't look like that baby is in a car seat...Can't wait to see your wonderful kids this weekend!!!

Courtney and Hyrum said...

How fun! Katie is not spoiled at all!

Arianne said...

That car looks like too much fun!