Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too much law = creativity.

Creativity is just in my DNA, I can't deny it, so I have to give in. The funny thing about my creativity, is it must be in balance with the other parts of my life. I first discovered this in law school. After a grueling week of studying the law, on the weekends I would have to engage in some creative project, usually sewing, to bring all the forces in my life back into balance. I also noticed it when I was prosecuting full-time, again on the weekends I had this uncontrollable desire to be creative, and it was usually expressed in the form of decorating my house.

Well currently my life has been out of balance. With the economy tanking, my case load has risen dramatically. I was feeling out of balance. Now I know I already do a lot of creative projects, but I was feeling the desire to do even MORE creative projects. And my sewing machine was calling. I decided to make Lauren some cute skirts to wear for the summer. This is the first skirt.

Every Friday night Lauren has a "stay up" late night where she gets to hang with mommy after everyone else has gone to bed. We have been working on skirts for the last few Fridays, getting them all cut out and prepared to sew. Not only I have been able to "feed" the creative beast within, but I have also learned a lot about the second grade from talking to Lauren while I sew, reminding me its good to have balance in your life.


Ciarran said...

That skirt is sooo cute! If you need more creative outlets you can make your little sister some summer skirts...

Brooke said...

So cute! Lauren is so lucky to have designer skirts made by her mom!!!

Smullin Family said...

Very cute!

I totally understand about that creative craving...I get that too. Lately I've been supressing it. Wonder what kind of damage will occur, when I finally give-in.

Arianne said...

That is SO dang cute! I need to be making one of these for Kallie. So next time I talk to you I'm going to be asking you how!

angela said...

You were certainly right about your DNA, you are like your mother when it comes to sewing. She used to tell me it was her creative outlet.
NOT for me. Sewing messes up the forces in my life. I suppose writing and photography are my creative outlets.
by the way you do a great job on your blogs and I enjoy them.