Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is why it is good to have friends!

Last week I was in a bit of a dilemma...Linda, my mother in law, who is my totally awesome babysitter, and whom my kids, especially Katie, like more than me, was up in Idaho because her mother passed away. Rick took Lauren to Idaho to join the rest of the family for the funeral, which just happened to be on a Tuesday, which is the same day of the week I work, and is the day of my Board meetings. Now normally I can just participate in my Board by telephone if for some reason I can't physically be in my office, but with the volume of cases lately, telephone participation is difficult at best. I really needed to be in my office.

Which brought me to the dilemma of what in the world do I do with Mark and Katie??? Well thank heavens for good friends, whom despite knowing my children, still agreed to watch them.

My friend Sue took the first shift from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at her house, and then brought them back to my house at 10:30 a.m. for my friend Sherry to watch them until 12:30 p.m.

Sue knowing, my children, especially Mark, was armed with her camera, because of course this would be a fine opportunity for good blogging material, and Mark being the obedient child that he is, (LOL) did not disappoint. For more on Sue's adventures with Mark, click on her blog....and be warned should Mark come to your house for a morning of play, you might need your dictionary to understand his vocabulary.....