Monday, March 22, 2010

Novices no more, kind of....

It official, Lauren and I are no longer dance competitions novices, having put our first competition behind us on Saturday. With Lauren making her company dance team this year for both ballroom and hip hop, it means competitions in the spring. ( I have to admit had I SEEN the competition schedule BEFORE I let her audition for the teams, I might have thought twice about it. And her schedule as a 9 year old is NOTHING compared to what I have to look forward to in the future.....)
The competition was Friday and Saturday in Bountiful, but fortunately for us Lauren's team only preformed on Saturday. Did I mention her call time was Saturday at 8:30 a.m.???? Hello? I live in Utah county, which means we had to get up at 6:30, to be ready to leave by 7:30, all on a Saturday morning. (Again should this not have been disclosed PRIOR to me allowing her to audition???)
We arrived, she practiced, she preformed, then she had to wait....she did not like the waiting part... Awards were at 12:30. Her team won an "Ruby" award, which don't even ask me what that means, they tried to explain the award system at the beginning, but I got totally lost. Next dance competition I am going to cozy up to one of the more experienced mothers, and start in with a barrage of dance competition questions, in an effort to education myself about this process, because while having one competition under our belt does not in anyway mean I have a clue what is going on. This might be more complicated than practicing law......