Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Froot Loops

To this day there is no smell I enjoy more than opening a new box of Froot Loops and inhaling the fruity smell. It magical, its yummy, its wonderful. I makes me feel 8 years old. As a child growing up I would frequently spend time with my Grandma Hales when my parents went out of town. My mother would never buy sugar cereals, but you could ALWAYS count on grandma to dish out the good stuff, and one of the good stuff staples was Froot Loops.
I would come down in the morning to fully dressed breakfast table, again a novelty for me, my mother and a fully dressed breakfast table, I don't think so.... Awaiting my arrival would be bowl of Froot Loops just in need of little milk. Don't worry this milk was not poured from a jug into my cereal bowl, no at at grandma's house. It went from the jug to a small breakfast milk pitcher, and then to my awaiting bowl of cereal, making it even more special. (I am quite sure that none of my cousins received the same treatment as me. I was grandma's favorite, I just know it.)
Grandma would always try to convince me I wanted some eggs, bacon or pancakes with that cereal, but I would have none of that. It was more cereal for me. Besides in my mind eggs, bacon and pancakes were dinner food, not breakfast food.
Finally after indulging my self in a minimum of two bowls of the sugary treat, I would be full and the roof of my mouth sore. You have to get Froot Loops good and soggy in order to avoid the hard crunch of the cereal tearing up the tender roof of your mouth. I was usually too anxious to eat my yummy treat that couldn't wait for the cereal to soak up the milk.
But I still enjoyed every delicious bowl.


Sue Jackson said...

Fruit Loops also make a good road snack when driving! They are our secret to keeping Bob awake on our way to Lake Powell!

Arianne said...

ahh, good memories! I had forgotten about the milk in the pitcher, but that was always SO cool!