Wednesday, March 3, 2010

That was painful.....

When I was growing up I recall my mother being a frequent victim of a urinary track infection. It seemed to me like she would have one to two a year. I just assumed that is what I had to look forward to as an adult. (I recall being told by my mother and grandmother it all relates to being a women, and what having children does to your body....)

Anywho, I have managed to avoid that fate, and assumed it must be because I am not capable of pushing children out of that region of my body, hence it is still in pristine condition. ( I know, I know too much information....)

Well having gotten cocky in my old age, and probably because I have WAAAYYY too much stress in my life, my body decided it was time that I should be able to say to my mother one day, "I feel your pain." Yes it was a UTI. It started out on Sunday night, well it probably started long before that...I just felt it for the first time on Sunday night. It was uncomfortable, and I knew it would be a long night, but I figured I could tough it out until morning and then call my doctor's office. Well it went from annoying, to bad, to worse, to awful, in the span of about four hours. Now mind you I have a pain threshold that is terribly high, so for me to cry "uncle" at 2:00 a.m. was a big deal. By 2:00 a.m. I could not take the pain anymore. I called Jeff and Linda in tears and asked to be taken to the emergency room, I was NOT going to make it to 7:00 a.m. when my doctor's office opened.

Off to the ER, to pee in a cup. I will spare you the details, I will just say, it did not resemble pee....and yep 15 minutes later, diagnosis, UTI. Duh! But with that diagnosis came DRUGS. One for the infection, and one for the pain. Took about 30 minutes to kick in, but relief at last, and sleep.

So now I have one more thing in common with my mother.


Ciarran said...

Bah! I got a UTI, which turned into a kidney infection just after Colin and I got married and it was without a doubt the worst pain I've ever been in.

Arianne said...

Oh No! I'm so sorry, I can't believe you had that on top of your nasty round of colds no fair!

nesquik405 said...

Love the vague explanations you got from your mom and your grandma. Yep, UTIs are no delight.