Thursday, December 10, 2009

The tour....

Today is the day of the big Christmas tour at my house. For those of you wondering why I have been so feverishly working on my house, it is because I was asked to be on the Christmas tour of homes which is a fund raiser for the Utah Valley Symphony. It is the reason I have been over the top with decorating projects, fixing everything broken in my house, and polishing up my house to a spotless condition.

Actually I have not minded. It has given me a deadline for all sorts of home improvement projects that normally you say "yeah I will get to that."

Now the tour is basically self directed. People come to the door and a hostess greets them, checks their ticket and they are free to roam as much or as little of your house as you allow. Well as you know from reading my blog, nothing is sacred, so I am letting them self tour the entire house.

Mark, in an effort to be helpful, has self appointed himself as a tour guide. Recently whenever anyone comes to our house he demands that they take a tour, with him as the guide. Over Thanksgiving, Krista and Carl stopped by, and of course they were accosted for a tour. Once they got to the basement, Mark announced "Welcome to the basement, where fun is all around."

Yep that pretty much describes my basement, fun all around. Endless toys for the kids, crafting for me and the coolest guest bedroom on the planet. Perhaps during the Christmas tour I will give the people the option of self tour or tour by Mark....because he is pretty good at describing the features of my house!


Smullin Family said...

How cool.
I'd love a "virtual tour".