Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A nut

Yesterday was the viewing for my dad. It was held in the evening from 6-8 p.m. Rick, Linda and Jeff brought the kids up from Utah. Linda and Jeff had Mark and Rick had the girls. Rick was slightly delayed due to tire issues, weather and traffic, so when it was time for the viewing, he was still getting the girls ready at the hotel so I took Mark with me.

On my way to the viewing I talked to Mark about what was going to happen. I reminded him of seeing Grandpa Ison in his casket two years ago, and that it will be Grandpa Hales' body in the casket but his spirit is living in heaven with Grandma Hertha. Once we arrived we put our stuff on a bench about three rows from the back. I asked Mark to come up front but he wanted to stay seated on the bench.

I started to greet people, including all sorts of hugs, and tears. After about 15 minutes Mark began to cry. I returned to the bench where he was at and tried to comfort him. He was insistent that we return to Utah this very minute. After I told him that was not an option, he requested to wait in the car until the viewing was done. I tried to get him to open up to me and tell me what was bothering him, although I suspected it was seeing Grandpa Hales in the casket and sensing the emotions of those around.

Finally we compromised and went into the lobby of the funeral home where he would not have to see the casket. He still continued to be upset and I comforted him as best I could, but he was still insistent that we return to Utah immediately. After a few minutes Jeff and Linda arrived, and saw Mark's emotional state. They, or more specifically Jeff, relieved me, and took Mark under his wing. While sitting with papa, papa said to Mark "Your a tough nut." Mark replied "Well this nut is cracked."

Meanwhile, Katie's take on it: "Grandpa's in a box and he is asleep."


Rochelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your dad passed away. You'll be in my prayers!