Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The torch has been passed.

Once upon a time in my little world, I was the reining diva, especially when it came to shoes. A new day has dawned.

Recently I went shoe shopping with Lauren and Mark because both were in need of new sneakers for the summer. We started with Mark. Tried on one pair, a little snug, tried on another, they fit perfect, Mark liked them and we were done. He wanted to pay and be out the door, but Lauren was with us.......

We proceeded over to her size and spent no less than 20 minutes previewing all possible choices, and trying on many of them, with comments, such as too small, too tight, too difficult to get on (in other words, she could not just slip in on and run out the door), wrong color, too dorky, too childish, someone I know has those shoes and I don't like that person....the list of what was wrong with every pair she tried on went on and on and on and on.....

Finally we settled on one style, however they did not have it in her size, which necessitated us traveling to a different store. Once at that store, the style she had chosen, when tried on in the correct size, was "too tight" around the middle of her foot. Back to the drawing board, and another 20 minutes later, after Lauren sensed my growing frustration, we settled on these cute sneakers.

Moral of the story, next time I take Lauren shoe shopping, I am going plan on at least an hour and a half of time, bring at a minimum three magazines to read, going "cop a squat" and tell Lauren to let me know when she is done.

I do believe my title as the diva of shoe shopping has been usurped....


Brooke said...

Just wait until she kicks Mark out of his room to make room for all her shoes. You're just lucky she hasn't figured out shoe designer names like: Jimmy Choo and Valentina :-)

Arianne said...

That picture of her is adorable!