Friday, June 12, 2009

Fabulous Card Friday.

Today is the first installment of what I am calling "Fabulous Card Friday." Every Friday between now and the first part of August I will be previewing cards that we will be making at my family reunion in August.

I am in charge of the adult craft, so I decided to put my card making skills to use. Now the crafting ability of those in my extended family runs from very craft to not crafty at all. In order to accommodate the needs of all, I have put the cards together in kits with all the pieces parts measured and cut, so the card is ready to be assembled. So if you are a member of my family who feels as if you are "craft challenged" never fear, if you can use a glue stick and a bottle of Elmer's glue, you can make these cards.

One, final thought, the beauty of all the cards I have designed and the material I have assembled, I have not spent a dime, it has all come from scraps and paper I have had on hand. (That probably says a lot about the excess of scrapbooking material I have...) Its been fun to go through my scraps, and excess paper, clean it out, and put it to good use!


Martha said...

How fun! I'm hoping (it's not "for sure" yet) that I'll get to be there!

Arianne said...

um, yay I can't wait to make these!

Brooke said...

so cute!!!

Lora Dawn said...

woo hoo---fun to see some reunion preview. thanks for all the prep with fun ideas----looking forward to seeing you

kura2025 said...

I[m planning on doing whatever service project they dream up but I'd love to make a card if you have any leftover kits afterwards. They look super cute and easy which is always a plus.

Smullin Family said...

Yea, I can't wait!
I've been put in charge of the kid craft, but will not be "open" the whole time, because I want to make some of these awesome cards. Thanks for doing this. I love that you haven't had to spend a dime. I bet that feels good to use up some of your stash. Making room for more?