Friday, June 5, 2009

I am woman, hear me ROAR.

Memorial Day found me without a man around my house, unless you count Mark, and well as much as he likes to think he is a MAN, he still has a little ways to go. (Learning to pee standing up might be a start...) I wanted BURGERS, after all it was Memorial Day and if you are a red blooded American you eat a hamburger on Memorial Day.

So I had to tame the Beast.

Meet the Beast. Yes this is the grill that sits on our deck. If you don't have a "y" chromosome, its a little intimidating..., after all my idea of grilling is handing a plate of meat to whomever the closest male is over the age of 18, that is physically near me at the time, with the instruction to cook said meat. NEVER in my life have I ever used a grill, its just not my style.
First challenge, fire her up. Second challenge, don't get burned in the process... Success. At least I can say even though I have never used the dang thing, I have watched it in use, so I was not completely clueless, hence lessening my chances of getting burned in the process, or exploding the house.

Check out those burgers, complete with "grill" marks. You would think I had been doing this all my life.

The finished product. Now don't you wish you had joined me on Memorial Day?


Martha said...

Way to go! Looks delicious.

Brooke said...


Smullin Family said...

You did such a nice job...makes me hungry. Must be dinner time.

The burger-flipping job at our house is usually Jasons, but I did attempt it a few weeks ago. The grill was tempermental and I ended up cinging (sp?) my hair in the front, when starting it. Burgers tasted good, but my bang area was a little crispy.

Arianne said...

I'm very impressed! I just recently learned to turn our grill on so it can heat up before Keith gets home from work, but you're inspiring me. . . maybe I could actually use it!

Lora Dawn said...

Woot Woot - - -a woman and her tools - - -move over Emeril.

Margaret said...

Congrats and Welcome to the Grillin' Hot Mama's club :-) The burgers look great!
I don't let Rob near the Weber with a spatula. He can lite the charcoal but that's as far as it goes.
That being said I've been BBQing for years and -I'd- be intimidated by The Beast myself! So Good Job to you!

Ciarran said...

Also, your fries look delicious. Why should the burgers get all the attention?