Monday, June 8, 2009

Pool Time.

What is it about three inches of water in an inflatable round pool that is so endlessly fascinating to a two year old? I don't know but it just is....

Last summer I bought Katie this little round pool with visions of sitting on the deck with her, enjoying my then baby, splash the day away. Didn't happen. I repented this summer. We have been having our pool time. I am currently unwilling to deal with the whole put her swim suit on routine, so I convinced her we just soak our feet in the pool and for now she is perfectly content.

She sits or stands on one side of the pool and I sit on the other, we splash, laugh, in in generally enjoy being two on a hot summer day. (Plus mommy gets a tan to boot!)


Arianne said...

she is cute beyond belief, I can't wait to see her again!

Smullin Family said...

That's my kind of swimming!