Friday, February 27, 2009

The Great Pumpkin...

Meet Linus, aka, Mark. Mark has been carrying around his "wittle" blanket since basically birth, when he chose it for his "familiar." It used to have down feathers in it, but now it has been reduced to two pieces of fabric sewn together. Which begs the question, if the blanket has no holes, how then do all the down feathers escape?

Of course Linus' favorite movie is "Its the great pumpkin Charlie Brown." Linus, I mean Mark, demands to watch is every afternoon, and when I say watch I don't mean only once, I mean it is repeated a minimum of three times. (At least the running time is only about 22 minutes) Mark is now a firm believer in the Great Pumpkin, and is planning his pumpkin patch for our back yard, and wants to write a letter to the Great Pumpkin indicating the sincerity of his pumpkin patch in hopes that the Great Pumpkin will choose Mark's patch to rise up from on Halloween. Halloween night 2009 you will probably not find Mark out for tricks or treats, but happily sitting in his pumpkin patch. Now who is going to be his Sally?
And one more thing doesn't Linus have a bossy older sister name Lauren, err I mean Lucy, who is willing to dispense advice for .5 Cents?