Friday, February 13, 2009

My silly Valentines!!!

Valentines Day =PARTY! Both Lauren and Mark had school Valentine parties, which included decorating valentine boxes/bags, Valentine's for friends and of course CANDY. (FYI, still have a bowl of Halloween candy on my kitchen counter. Wonder what the shelf life on that is....?)

Mark hooked himself up with a purple Valentine bag complete with a white lace doily. You can tell he is secure in his manhood to have that type of a bag. Note Katie checking out the "goods" wondering where her bag is...

Lauren got a box and decorated it with heart stickers and it overflowed with Valentines.

The fun part, opening all those Valentines and eating all that candy. Mark got several suckers and just in case you were unclear on how a sucker is to be eaten follow Mark's simple directions:
1. Open the sucker
2. Lick the sucker three times
3. Throw sucker in the trash
4. Open next sucker.
Yes of course Katie fished the suckers out of the trash, she saw no need to throw away a perfectly good sucker with lots of lick time left.

Lauren was less interested in the candy and more interested in the actual Valentines. She made two piles, the Valentines she thought were really cool and worth saving, and the pile that well, lets just put it this way, they were recycled....
The best part: Valentines Day is on a Saturday so that means Valentines is not a day, but rather a week-end. I guess I better go buy chocolate.....


Melanie said...

Cute kids. I find it amazing that you still have Halloween candy. Morgan got a pretty good haul, but with the help of his parents, (i.e. Mommy) it didn't last much longer than a week.

Sue Jackson said...

I love your kids! I find Mark particularly humorous (could having five boys of my own have something to do with it?) You should blog about our shopping adventure at the O'Scrap warehouse sale!