Wednesday, June 11, 2008

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Smack Down Certified.

Many of you may not be aware that I am training for a new career as a WWE member. I have grown increasingly bored with the legal profession and need a new direction in life. Katie has helped me see that I have potential as a professional wrestler. Six times a day Katie and I practice for my new career. When does this practice take place you ask, when I am changing her diaper.

We begin the diaper change by placing Katie on the towel on the kitchen counter. Immediately she begins to turn her body and look around to see what might be within her reach to grab, and will grab it. Even if there is nothing for her to grab she is still trying to roll over during her entire diaper change. In order to successfully change her diaper I have to place my left hand/ arm over her chest, while removing the wet diaper with my remaining right hand, and then very quickly remove my left hand/arm from her body, hoping she will not roll, grab her legs and lift them up, while with my right hand I place a clean diaper under her very cute bum, and quickly attach.

If she happens to have a dirty diaper then I must grab her feet with my left hand while removing the diaper with my right hand, meanwhile she is trying to turn over, so I must counter the force of the direction she is trying to turn with force in the opposite direction to keep her on lying her he back until her bum is clean. If a clothing change is involved it is a full body workout. I expect by the end of the year that I will be in fabulous shape and will be smack down certified. Watch out World Wresting Entertainment there is a new mama in town and her name is “Tiffy the Terminator” and she will terminate any wet or dirty diaper in a flash!